Brittany Heckard
Aug 2, 2024
Our wish this August is to gain 18 new monthly recurring Torch supporters & more! Find out how to celebrate our birthday with events, well wishes, and donations.
Do you know what this month is? It’s Torch’s Anniversary. Can you believe that we’re celebrating our 18th year of operations? We can! Mainly because since our inception in 2006, our community has been full of supportive, uplifting, and dedicated people who see and understand the importance of Black women writers.
This Birthday Month, we want to turn it up a notch. After all, what 18th birthday isn’t full of fun? To celebrate our 18th birthday, our one birthday wish is to gain 18 new recurring monthly donors and one-time donations of $18 from our loving community. Growing our recurring givers helps us ensure that we are meeting our fundraising goals to provide the necessary support we offer Black women writers all over the world.
Since our start in 2006, we’ve grown significantly, thanks to our Torch community! We’ve grown our staff to include part-time positions like associate editor, communications associate, programs associate, content fellow, programs fellow, and hopefully more. Our spring and fall seasons are filled with free workshops, readings, writing circles, monthly open mics, and special events and partnership. None of this could be possible without your support.
August is also Black Philanthropy Month, an international giving day supporting Black-led nonprofits. Between our birthday and celebrating the network of other Black-led nonprofits, there’s so much to celebrate! Here are a few ways you can support Torch this month:
Ways to Celebrate Torch’s 18th Birthday
Help us gain 18 new recurring donors by donating here and “make it monthly!”
Give a one-time donation of $18 or more here!
Want to personalize a happy birthday message? Submit one here.
August 20th – Meet us at The Salon
August 26th – Join our Writing Circle
August 29th – Torch Virtual Panel (details coming soon)
We can’t wait to celebrate this joyous month with you all!
About Torch Literary Arts
Torch Literary Arts is a 501(c)3 nonprofit established with love and intention in 2006 to publish and promote creative writing by Black women. We publish contemporary writing by experienced and emerging writers alike. Torch has featured work by Toi Derricotte, Tayari Jones, Sharon Bridgforth, Crystal Wilkinson, Patricia Smith, Natasha Trethewey, Elizabeth Alexander, and others. Programs include the Wildfire Reading Series, workshops, an annual retreat, and special events.
Help Torch continue to publish and promote Black women writers by donating today.
About Black Philanthropy Month
Dr. Jacqueline Bouvier Copeland of Pan-African Women's Philanthropy Network and The WISE Fund established the month of August as Black Philanthropy Month in 2011 with recognition by the United Nations as part of its 2011 Declaration of the International Year for People of African Descent and its 2015-2024 Declaration of the International Decade for People of African Descent. The month-long observance invites all people of African ancestry and allied brothers and sisters to take August and beyond to promote the power of giving to transform lives. Learn more here.
Media Contact Information:
Brittany Heckard
Communications Associate
(512) 641-9251