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Friday Feature: Taylor Lauren Davis

Taylor Lauren Davis is a black American poet, attorney, and retired nurse. She is a graduate of Howard University and the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Her works have appeared in Poet Lore, Button Poetry, Rust + Moth, and elsewhere. Born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee, Davis is a proud Southerner. Follow Taylor on Instagram and Twitter.


—for my oppressors

I believe in hell

Even more than I believe in heaven

It is difficult

To imagine a realm of light

But brimstone

Makes perfect sense

Spare me

Weedy details of grace & mercy

Sound gospel should clear the way

Like the metal tongue of a scythe

Cutting down a dry

& soulless field

The wicked have sown

Now, let them reap.


Torch Literary Arts is a 501(c)3 nonprofit established to publish and promote creative writing by Black women. We publish contemporary writing by experienced and emerging writers alike. Programs include the Wildfire Reading Series, writing workshops, and retreats. Help TORCH continue to publish and promote Black women writers by donating today.

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